 The word cherish means to treat with affection and tenderness and this means starting with you. Take time out from your busy day to look after yourself, whether it be a treat, pampering, some 'me' time or watching your favourite film. Nurture and care for yourself and cherish the ones you love and all those special moments that make life worthwhile.
The colour pink is comforting, caring and offers unconditional love. This colour is about caring for yourself with gentleness and tenderness. Give yourself a big hug! Pink is loving and forgiving and is the colour of constant affection.
Bring this colour into your life with roses, pinks, lilies, rose quartz crystals, scarves, lipstick or nail polish.
The Archangel associated with this word is Chamuel, who will help you to love yourself, in order for you to give love to others and to release negative emotions, mending that bruised and battered heart. |