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Publication Date: Mon 26 Jan 2015

I went for lunch with a friend last week and we were discussing things we wanted to do. We were laughing about the obstacles (often imagined) in the way of achieving these things and the procrastination that justifies not doing them.
My big block is my artwork. Yes I go to classes, yes I design products for the website and for shows, but I never just let go and create. I blogged earlier about my New Year intentions and have prepared my journal so that it is ready to add the paint, inks and paper, but I can’t bring myself to put anything on the pages! This begs the question of why? Is it that I think it will be a mess, a failure or a confirmation of what I secretly believe?  ‘It’s not good enough’ seems to be a message we often give to ourselves and I am certainly no exception. Who do we think is judging us? Of course, it is our sternest critic – our ego. Louise Hay teaches us to ‘love ourselves’ and we also need to love what we do and be much kinder to ourselves as we explore new things, new experiences and new places. I saw this quote from Andy Warhol and it’s going in my journal! 
I WILL post my attempts and you can see what you think!Just get it done!.jpg