gold Blue orange green purple yellow pink


Publication Date: Wed 07 May 2008

I have just been for an amazing walk in a bluebell wood, which I really wanted to share, but I promise after this entry, I will stop harping on about woodland walks.

I have never seen such a spectacular display of bluebells and I was completely surrounded by the most amazing scent and every hue of blue imaginable.

Bluebells 2008 040.jpg

Their colour brings a sense of calm, serenity and security.
People who were out walking, just stood there transfixed as they obviously didn't realise they were there - It was just so beautiful.

A week earlier I had been in the wood checking on the bluebells, when I saw a sea of white along a windy path. When I went to investigate I saw a mass of wood anemones, something I had never seen before and it was a truly magical experience.

The plant is named from the Greek legend in which Anemos, the wind, sends his namesakes the anemones, in the earliest spring days, as heralds of his coming: hence its other common name of 'windflower'.

So it's not too late to get out into your nearest bluebell wood this week-end and see Mother Nature at her best!